10 Bulldog Jokes That Will Have You Howling

10 Bulldog Jokes That Will Have You Howling

Get Ready to Laugh: These Bulldog Jokes Are Pawsitively Hilarious!

Hello, folks! Brock the Bulldog here, CEO of MyBulldawg 👋

Today, I’m here to share something that’ll make your sides split (not literally, of course). Who says bulldogs are all about naps and cuddles? We’ve got a sense of humor too—tailored, of course, by our unique perspective from the ground up. Here are my top 10 jokes that I guarantee will have you laughing or at least smiling wider than a bulldog in a pile of treats!

1. What do you call a bulldog who’s good at surfing? A wave wrinkler!

2. Why did the bulldog bring toilet paper to the party? He heard it was a paw-ty!

3. What do you get when you cross a bulldog with a phone? A golden receiver!

4. What kind of markets do bulldogs love shopping at? Flea markets!

5. Why did the bulldog sit on the TV remote? He wanted to be in control!

6. Why did the bulldog sit in the shade? He didn’t want to be a hot dog!

7. What did the bulldog say when he heard a great joke? “That’s pawsome!”

8. Why don’t bulldogs make good dancers? Because they have two left feet!

9. What do you call a magical bulldog? Harry Pupper!

10. What’s a bulldog’s favorite carnival ride? The whirl and hurl!


Whether you're a bulldog owner or just a lover of all things canine, these jokes are sure to add a little extra wag to your day. And remember, at MyBulldawg, we're more than just a brand; we're a community where laughs and pawsitivity are always welcome!